Saturday 28 July 2007

When the Ugly Bug Bites

It looks like I'm set to have a fuglacy subplot to the legacy challenge. I'm interested in the sort of fuglacy where it can only get worse... but only through natural breeding. As we all know, Sharla Ottamas has a face that is best described as unique. After her mother gave birth to the (alien) twins, I thought why not see what the 6th one turns out like? The answer is special, in that very special sort of way. Meet Patrick Ottamas.

Patrick the toddler with dad, Peter. Peter always reminds me of a 70s porn star. You know it's going to be bad when a toddler looks like this.

Patrick the child.

Patrick the teen - he's a pleasure sim and has met his true love, Baron Tamar - a romance sim.

He goes to uni at the same time as Baron and manages to make it to class often enough to gain a respectable degree. He returns home with Baron whom he immediately proposes to then marries. I'm not so cruel as to let the typical romance sim fears trigger. Don't they look lovely.

They spent the first day home trying for baby as the jobs they wanted weren't available. After 3 attempts the lullaby was heard and Patrick is going to be a mommy.

Meanwhile Sharla's two oldest sons have aged up to teenagers. Here's Diego off to uni, he looks a lot like Sharla, right down to the impossibly pointy chin.

Dmitri is the middle child, just turned teen and still at home bumping up a few skills before uni.
We'll catch up on the Ottamas breeding program at a later date.

Sunday 1 July 2007

MATY Sightings 1

My Alphabet Challenge neighbourhood has been gradually metamorphosing into an Alphabet Challenge meets MATY Self Sims 'hood. This is good as it adds variety, not only in appearances but on the personality front as well. I usually create a MATY sim at the start of play, hitting the randomise button a few times first in order to avoid later in game first-born syndrome. I then move them into the launch pad lot and make them a townie using Inge's teleporter shrub. A fairly large number of the MATY sims are now present as townies though one or two have proved a little camera shy. Two (JM Pescado and Trepie) have married into the legacy family and another (SaraMK) is hooked up with one of the 'B' generation extras. Here is a random assortment of sightings so far.

My selfsim (Evi Felix AKA Eevilcat) visits the legacy household after work and, failing to realise he's pregnant, offers JM her services as a personal trainer. Cue one embarassed selfsim.

JM Pescado, co-founder of my legacy challenge and the genetic cause of many a Punch-You Punch-Me game, shows his alien twins the right way to go about fishing.
Marhis and Evi Felix visit JM's other alien offspring, Jupiter, who is himself expecting alien twins. Being a romance sim he thinks he knows exactly what to talk to women about. The visitors feign polite interest.

Twain comes back from work with Beau and hangs around for dinner after a dip in the hot tub. He seems a bit distracted by the fact that Beau's new wife, Chloe, forgot to dress after her shower.

Rohina also visits after work and gets on well with Chloe. She must have heard about Beau's previous indiscretion and divorce from the legacy heir, so figures he is fair game for annoyance.

Back at the legacy household for some gratuitous shots of nekkid men playing with their instruments. Way to go JM and Trepie!
Myskaal where I always seem to find him - in the hot tub with one of my playables. I think this shot was taken before one freeloading meal too many and waistline expandage.

SaraMK turned up at my 'B' generation spares house one day after work and it was instant 3-bolt attraction with Briony Pescado.
After several more visits SaraMK moved in and they went on to have two girls. The only downside to the same sex pregnancy mod is that both partners can try for baby so it there was some pregnancy overlap. On the left is Chelsea, who's still at home and on the right is Chastity who's at uni. Chastity looks a lot like SaraMK.