Friday 31 August 2007

Alphabet Legacy Street Guide

The Alphabet Legacy 'hood has grown quite a bit since the challenge started. This was mostly my fault as I needed somewhere to accommodate all the excess spawn from the earlier generations. The additional bonus points for 5 and 7 children and meeting family sims' crazy LTWs seemed like a good idea back then! Now is a good time to provide a quick snapshot of who lives where in the community.

I started with an empty 'hood and added houses as needed. Most of the family names are pretty meaningless as there are lots of Pescados, Ottomas, Tamars and Daltons so I'll stick with a numbered guide and house names. There is something of a population reduction going on as I make way for incoming MATY self-sims. Rather than killing sims off, I'm going for the Chinese style 1 child per couple approach and using the tombstone of life and death to age sims on from adult to elder to speed up the process. The main legacy household are still played by the rules so are unaffected by the population control.

1) Valhalla Park. There is only one community lot, Valhalla Park, where all the graves are moved to after a sim dies. I've done the 10+ ghosts on a lot for an original legacy challenge and have no desire to go through that again. I've landscaped it and tried to group graves by family. Nobody has visited yet although there are community lot type facilities.

2) 1 Alphabet Street. One of the original two Tamar residences. It is now occupied by married couple Bast Ottomas (nee Tamar) and Tommy Ottomas with another couple, Basil Tamar and Desire Ottomas. They are all 'extras' so will follow the one child policy.

3) 2 Alphabet Street. This is the legacy household, currently headed by C generation heir, Chablis Pescado, who is partner to MATY sim, Trepie Pallus. Two of the three D generation heirs are still resident, Damask (teenage romance) and Devereaux (child). In a break with tradition it looks like Devereaux may be the first male heir of the legacy. Original legacy spouse JM Pescado is also still resident with his partner Cedric Pescado. I married them to avoid a repeat of the first 'D' generation heir as the game does not recognise a great-grandparent as being family. Pescado also seems to be hellbent on setting some sort of record for producing alien offspring. He's been abducted twice producing Jupiter first time then twins, Saturn and Venus the second. Since then he's been turning up at other residential lots and produced another two alien offspring, Iolanthe (child) and Orion (toddler), through dance sphere abductions. The youngest two are still resident.

4) Bedale Hacienda. This was another excess offspring lot where the original residents were limited to 1 offspring per couple. Denver, Duchamp and Dagon are the children. Denver has graduated and returned to the household, asking MATY sim, Hook Martell, to move in. They've got 3 bolts for one another so he gladly accepted and a wedding is on the cards. Duchamp and Dagon will move to uni soon.

5) Lothario Haven. This is where Beau moved in after Chablis kicked him out from the legacy house. He was the original C gen legacy spouse but got caught cheating with my selfsim. Chloe Pescado has now made an honest sim of him and they have a baby son, Daryl.

6) Marhis Villa. JM's first alien offspring, Jupiter Pescado, moved into Marhis Villa and married his uni sweetheart, Cresta. She's a pleasure sim and Jupiter's romance so things work pretty well as he keeps his straying away from the family home. They have two children with Devon staying at home for now. Jupiter also got himself abducted and had alien twins, Uranus and Tethys. Later, in a 'like father like son' move he also visited another lot and made use of their dance sphere to get himself alien probed again. The result of this was twin toddlers Mars and Rhea.

7) Eevilcat Haven. The residence of the Ramaswami household. In an entertaining twist the original inhabitants, Sanjay and Priya, never managed to produce any children as a couple. This was probably down to them playing so hard elsewhere. Sanjay had alien twins, Io and Venus, after an abduction. Meanwhile Priya had Cecil first with Benji Pescado then Jax and Saturn with Jupiter Pescado. This meant that once everyone returned from uni, I was free to marry Jax to Venus and Saturn to Io as neither couple were related. It's all part of the alien breeding experiment. Since then Io and Saturn have produced Neptune while Venus and Jax produced Juno and Orbit. (Jax's eyes have been fixed to correctly use the alien texture but Juno's haven't yet.)

8) Bachelor Pad. This was originally home to a whole bunch of B generation extras who have since shuffled off to sim heaven. The current resident couple are Camilla and Theo Chambers. Camilla is a full sister to Cedric Pescado while Theo was an original townie that I created. Camilla is a family sim with a burning desire to graduate 3 children from college. Just be certain of achieving this, she had five kids with Theo and a further 2 as the result of an affair with Lucian Tamar. Family sims are no longer allowed to have LTWs that require multiple children but for now I'm attempting to fulfil the wants of those that do. Camilla's kids include Darius (owner of Pleasure Domicile), Delice and Dionysus (late residents of Pleasure Domicile), Dana (Bella Casa). Still resident are Darren, Demeter and Drusilla.

9) Tamar Lodge. Home to original legacy spare Anya and her husband, Jermaine Tamar. I suppose this was where the family sim madness originated. Anya wants to marry off six children (whimper) and has amassed several more to make a grand total of ten. To top it all Jermaine got himself abducted so there are alien twins to deal with. Various offspring (Beryl, Benita, Bali, Baron and Bast) have moved out and some have been railroaded into marrying to meet Anya's want. Birgid has moved back in with husband to be, MATY sim Twain Sawyer. Meanwhile a small menagerie of offspring remain at home (Brandon, Barnaby, Belatrix, Barak, Ursa and Uranus).

10) Stellar Haven. Home to Patti Ottomas, Cecil Ramaswami and Draco Pescado plus Cecil and Draco's daughter Erica. This is an extras household that I haven't played since the new child policy was implemented so Draco is currently expecting a second child with Eric. It will be the last and the plan is try out a female abduction pregnancy hack with Patti then find an alien mate for her.

11) Pleasure Domicile. The very successful home business venture of Camilla's son Darius Chambers. He lives here along with various extended family members and friends. Star Ottomas is now an elder and her son, Crane (father Flamingo), recently moved to uni. Darius' alien son Edison returned from uni with Venus Ottomas. MATYian Witch proved that lightning can and does strike twice in the form of risky woohoo resulting in sons Eric (father Darius) and Franz (Elgin Chambers), both still at home. Eric, her first ACR son by Darius has headed off to uni. The final family member is Fleur Ottomas, Star's daughter with Elgin (Darius' other alien son).

12) Bella Casa. This was where a chunk of the 'B' generation extras holed up with the Chez Dalton, the mutual target of their affections. Poor Chez had a pretty unhappy life for a pleasure sim, if only he'd found woohoo fun. Sad fact was, he simply found it exhausting. Luckily SaraMK took up with Briony and joined the household. Both their children have since returned with their respective partners. Chelsea with Dieter Pescado and Chastity with Dana Chambers. Elgin and Benita Tamar have also moved in. Dana and Chastity have had Enya while Chelsea and Dieter have produced baby Erasmus.

13) Ottomas Holding. This is where Samantha and Peter Ottomas set up home along with Peter's mother, daughter Sharla and sons Tommy and David. Samantha gave birth to alien twins as a result of her borked EAxian pregnancy then went onto spawn Patrick Ottomas, the fugliest sim in the 'hood. Patrick married the second fugliest sim, Boron Tamar and they produced two kids, Conrad and Claret. Patrick also had a son, Edmund, with Star Chambers and an alien daughter, Rhea thanks to pollination tech #59 AKA Mr Blond. The house has always been very full with Sharla also returning with Cherry to spawn Desire, Diego and Dmitri. The current residents are:

  • Diego and Beryl Ottomas, parents of twins Eros and Eragon.
  • Dmitri and Saturn Ottomas, parents of Ellen Ottomas.
  • MATYian Rohina and Conrad Butt, parents of Dexter and baby Daryl Butt.
  • Saturn has also had an alien abduction baby, Aquarius.

The house acts as a mini fuglacy experiment though the addition of Rohina's nose seems to be improving looks.