Monday 18 June 2007

Alphabet Challenge(d)

I will admit to liking challenges as they give some structure to my gameplay. I've completed a legacy challenge, asylum challenge and freewill hostel challenge. I eventually got bored to tears by a black widow challenge after all you can only have the heroine procreate with then kill off so many townies before you run out of steam. I've seen the alphabet challenge mentioned so I thought I would give it a go and set up a new blank neighbourhood. Blank that was apart from the River Blossom interlopers but they've now woven their way into challenge (more on that elsewhere). The starting sim was an adult female called Eva Biblios; seemed like a good combination of a progentitor and something book or word-related. As it was a blank neighbourhood I had to create a bunch of townies, or rather create a bunch of sims and make them townies. I opted for a mix of MATY self-sims and some CAS creations of my own. Amongst the MATY sims was a certain JM Pescado and I was gobsmacked to say the least when he and Eva turned out to have a 3-bolt attraction. I'm not one to stand in the way of simmie attraction so Eva Biblios became Eva Pescado and the 'A' generation was underway.

The first three kids were Astor, Aria and Alec:

They were followed by a set of natural twins, Aramis and Anya:

I don't normally dress my sims in such awful outfits, but Eva's dress was my entry for the MATY Apr "More Awful Than You" CC Treasure Hunt: Whore Clothes. As 2 out 3 judges thought it was the worst adult female outfit I thought I'd celebrate by foisting it onto my legacy founder. The dress came from 2-for-U and is a bit of an aberration - I'd definitely rate them in my top 3 Sims2 sites for female clothing.

The genetics are interesting as I'm using a mix of geneticised Enlaya Pixie skins as well as quite a few of her fantasy eyes. Eva and JM produced 2 Pixie skinned babies and 3 normals skins.

Useful bits:
Legacy Challenge Rules

Alphabet legacy Rules

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