Sunday 17 June 2007

Borked Genetics...

I bought the Seasons EP and it comes with yet another new neighbourhood, River Blossom. The 'hood has a number of ready-made families, two of which appear in the family bin. What this means is that any new neighbourhood you create will also have these families in the bin. This isn't normally a problem for me as I run with clean neighbourhoods i.e. I remove all the families/townies/down-townies etc that ship with the game. It's not that I hate them that much, it's just that it's the same faces, same personalities with every new hood/game that I play and this gets boring after a while. I started an 'Alphabet Legacy' recently and forgot to clean out the the Seasons neighbourhood and didn't realise this until Samantha Ottomas turns up to visit another lot in a pregnant state. Samantha lived in the family bin, along with husband Peter, mother-in-law Dora and 3 kids. Mother-in-law has a LTW to have 6 grandkids and Samantha is a family sim pregnant with twins, so it is feasible she will produce another child after that to send Dora off into the hereafter on a happy, platinum note. However EAxis borked the twins genetics so that the 'father' is not Peter but a random sim. In the River Blossom neighbourhood it seems to default to Patricia Wan but in my neighbourhood it defaulted to one of my alien pollination technicians, an altogether more interesting proposition. I decided to play the Ottomas family and see what happened.

On the top is Star and on the bottom is Patti, both now children. I'm using a replacement default alien skin and eyes. In addition I use a set of 4 replacement pollination technicians as I like my alien hybrids to be a) not butt ugly and b) have some variety. Both girls are high neatness scores so enjoy bed-making and cleaning. I'm hoping they will grow up to be at least presentable, unlike their older half-sister, Sharla:

Sharla is on the right, she's just moved back home from uni with her girlfriend, Cherry Pescado (on the left). Cherry is sporting a geneticised version of one of Enayla's skins, hence the unusual look. Sharla was definitely dipped in the ugly bath as a child and on more than one occasion by the look of it. She has the strange, sucked in cheekbone look that the original Maxis aliens have.

Useful stuffeth:

Clean custom neighbourhoods/townie creation,5861.0.html

Empty and cleaned up templates,4306.0.html

Replacement pollination technicians

Geneticised Enayla fantasy skins,7230.0.html

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